Simplifying Large File Uploads for AI Transcriptions

Hey friend,

I have been heads down creating a free AI SaaS tutorial which is going to be massive on my channel. This will teach you how to ship a AI SaaS. I can't wait to share more.

Based on popular demand, I'm running the Next.js Workshop ↗️ for the final time. I won't be running this workshop again.

It is a Live 1-day Next.js Workshop that teaches you the best practices to design, build and deploy full-stack production-ready apps.

⏰ When: September 3rd, 9am to 3pm EST
πŸ“ Where: Zoom

🎁 For a limited time only (Until September 1st), you get $100 off the workshop price (use code LASTNEXT).

Bonus: Plus you get access to me so ask away whatever questions you like and as a bonus, you get free access to my upcoming Next.js Course.

You can see it for yourself πŸ”₯ (and there is more here ↗️)


🍿 Our Weekly Snack

AI Transcriptions for big Video Uploads

Let’s say you want to turn a video file into an AI-transcribed blog post (and yes, I’ve got a full video breakdown coming soon on my Youtube channel ↗️).

You can use OpenAI, you'll need to tap into their Whisper API for transcriptions.

Sounds easy enough, right? πŸ˜… Just set up a file uploader with something like <input type='file' /> and then send that file over to the right spot.

For example,

Well, not that simple ❌.

This approach works fine for small files, but when you’re dealing with larger ones, you hit a snagβ€” some platforms only allow uploads up to 4.5MB (hint: Vercel).

So, what’s the workaround? πŸ‘‡

You need to upload the file to a cloud storage service without processing it first. Once you have the cloud URL, you can then share it in the fileUrl section in the transcriptions method.

This is where UploadThing ↗️ comes to the rescue πŸ’–.

UploadThing securely handles file hosting and makes adding file uploads a breeze.

Why choose UploadThing? ☁️

A cloud platform like Vercel ↗️ limits request bodies to 4.5MB, which makes uploading large files a pain.

That’s where UploadThing shines.

Plus, the documentation is top-notchβ€” it’s built by Theo ↗️, so you know it’s solid. Honestly, it feels like the docs were written to perfectly match how your brain works.

You have full ownership with UploadThing still so remember, you'd still need to create a api route ↗️ to manage the file upload.

🀫 Latest Frontend News

Next.js Docs have been updated with so many different examples, here you go ↗️.

Next.js Conf is here so grab your tickets ↗️ as attending virtually is completely free.

Exciting ShadCN UI library updates are here, the Open in V0 button ↗️ takes your content to V0 AI for prompting so you can generate new UI using it.

​State of CSS Survey 2024 ↗️ has opened up so don't forget to share your thoughts.

A tiny library that makes date ranges short and sweet, check it out ↗️​

​OpenNext ↗️ takes the Next.js build output and converts it into packages that can be deployed across a variety of environments.

In a world full of boilerplates, here is another but this time with React + Vite ↗️ and it's free.

πŸ’– Weekly Youtube Videos

Check it out and subscribe to my channel ↗️ for more Frontend, Leadership and Career Development content.

Is Facebook StyleX a Tailwind killer? πŸ€”

video preview​

A New Way to Render Pages in Next.js | NeonDB, Server Actions

video preview​

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​πŸ”₯ 😐 πŸ‘Žβ€‹

Ankita Kulkarni

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